The problem is the problem. Addiction is just a symptom of the problem.
Addiction is defined as persistent and compulsive use of a substance or behaviour. A person can become addicted to substances or behaviours such as gambling or sex. The numbers are staggering – addiction affects about 1 in 10 adults in North America. It is one of our top health problems, causing more distress, illnesses, and deaths than any other preventable health problem.
The origins of addiction are diverse. Although stress, genetic contributions, and mental illness are risk factors, research demonstrates that trauma and adverse childhood experiences contribute significantly to the experience of addiction.
Initially, the use of addictive substances or behaviours may have helped to medicate painful feelings or disconnect from overwhelming life experiences. But, self-medicating as a way of managing emotional pain can lead to out-of-control patterns while still leaving the initial issue unaddressed.
Mood-altering then creates a vicious cycle of negative consequences and shame that adds to the need to self-medicate.
Despite the widespread problem of addiction, few people get the help they need to recover.
Learn More about the Roots of Addiction
Carrie DeJong has written an eBook about the significant impact that adverse childhood experiences and trauma have on the development of addiction disorders.
Download your free copy of “Trauma and Addiction: The Link We Can’t Ignore”.
The problem is the problem. Addiction is often just a symptom of an underlying problem: unresolved trauma.
Our Approach to Addiction
At Carrie DeJong & Associates, our goal is to bring equal measures of science, compassion, and curiosity to the field of addiction recovery. We approach addiction and addiction treatment like a puzzle. What creates the vulnerability to addiction? How has unresolved trauma contributed? What factors maintain it? What helps a person recover? A better understanding of why addiction develops is crucial to supporting someone who wants to address unhealthy patterns of substance use or behavioural addiction.
If you are struggling with addiction, therapy is about helping you identify and explore the life issues that have led to addiction. Whether you are just beginning to recognize addictive patterns in your life or are interested in continuing your recovery, therapy offers significant support. It helps provide you with tools to stop negative patterns while exploring the underlying emotional struggles and assists in developing tools to cope more effectively with life.
With the right support, people do recover from addiction!